Health Advice

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

HIV Symptom for men

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Indication #1—Flu-Like Feeling 

As indicated by the Mayo Clinic, a great many people who are tainted with HIV will encounter influenza like manifestations inside of two weeks to three months after the disease. That implies you may have a fever, or endure one or a greater amount of the accompanying for a week or two:

  • rash on the arms, legs, face, or stomach
  • sore throat
  • swollen lymph organs
  • mouth or genital ulcers
  • terrible cerebral pains
  • muscle hurts and joint agony
  • queasiness and retching
  • night sweats

Indication #2—No Symptoms 

HIV is dubious. In a few individuals, it will make no manifestations of disease until the harm to the insusceptible framework has advanced. You may feel impeccably fine for quite a long time or years. At that point, you may begin experiencing another disease or affliction that grabbed hold on the grounds that HIV debilitated the resistant framework. This is the reason early testing—notwithstanding when you feel fine—is so imperative.

Indication #3—You Get Sick 

Whether you have no manifestations after disease, or you endure an influenza like scene, the infection will soon go into an "inertness" stage. Amid this time, patients may have no indications until the safe framework is adequately debilitated or the ailment has advanced to AIDS.

Normal AIDS side effects in men include:

  • swollen lymph organs
  • irregular sores on the tongue; skin rashes and knocks
  • sickness, regurgitating, and loose bowels
  • hack and shortness of breath
  • endless exhaustion
  • fever, chills, and night sweats
  • quick weight reduction
  • obscured or twisted vision
  • different side effects of contamination.

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