Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Many Liberia boys died by Ebola virus

A 15-year-old kid has passed on of Ebola in Liberia under three months after the nation was pronounced free of the infection, authorities have told the BBC.
He tried positive a week ago and passed on late on Monday at a treatment focus close to the capital, Monrovia, Francis Kateh, the boss medicinal officer, said.
His dad and sibling are being dealt with for Ebola at the middle.
Liberia has seen more than 10,000 Ebola cases and more than 4,000 passings since the West Africa episode started in 2013.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has twice proclaimed Liberia to be sans ebola, once in May and again in September.
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The young kid's mom and two different kin have likewise been admitted to the treatment focus to be observed, wellbeing service representative Sorbor George said.
He told the BBC that eight medicinal services specialists "who are at high hazard in light of the fact that they came in direct contact with the kid" were likewise under reconnaissance.
The BBC's Jonathan Paye-Layleh in Monrovia says almost 160 individuals are presently being checked following the new cases were affirmed a week ago.
Radio and TV channels have continued TV Ebola mindfulness messages, he says.
Common society gatherings have additionally ventured up a crusade to persuade volunteers to be immunized against the infection in a joint US-Liberia Ebola trial, our columnist says.
On Monday, Liberia said the US had consented to send two specialists to the nation to examine the arrangement of the episodes.
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